About us

What do we want to mean for you & What is our goal?

As a client you notice that you want more insight into your performance. You have had enough of the struggle and recurring patterns in your daily life. We help you to change this and regain control in your daily life. In other words: to let new or different behavior be self-evident. During the sessions there is room for serious subjects, a tear but also humor. This gives relaxation in experiencing the gravity of the problem and helps to put things into perspective. We also want to be a supplement or alternative to other forms of assistance. For example, through integral collaboration with general practitioners, psychologists and company doctors. With our practice, and the name says it all, we strive for you to regain control or freedom of choice in and about your daily life. That new or different behavior becomes self-evident. On the basis of the set goals you will notice whether the desired change occurs. In addition, we would like to tell you about the influence that Emotive Therapy has on the personal development of people and employees.

Who are we

All my life I have been fascinated by the motives and patterns of others and myself. I got stuck in (love) relationships and could only leave the contact. No matter how illogical, I couldn't help it! It has increased my curiosity about the solution. After various alternative and regular treatments I ended up with Emotive Therapy. I realized that my triggers had priority over my thinking. I gained insight into the way in which I developed and the situations and experiences that contributed to this. And why this had such an impact in my daily life. During and after my process therapy I started to feel better and better. This made it a logical step for me to also guide people as a therapist. In 2012 I started training as an Emotional Therapist at the School for Emotional Therapy. I am now also working as a teacher at the school. I enjoy guiding you from my personal experience as a person and therapist and helping you to work out your theme. Alex Ariaens

Professional, driven, full of passion and caring. That is how I would like to describe myself. You would think great qualities. And they are, but it is precisely my care that has been an unconscious obstacle for me in the past. It has influenced my choices and thus also determined my career. My introduction to Emotive Therapy has opened my eyes to my habitual patterns and core beliefs, by breaking through it it has given me back the direction of my future. Choice of freedom, without the unconscious barriers. This feeling of freedom ... is something that I wish and would like to let everyone experience. With a wealth of life experience and years of work experience in health care (Home care, GGZ and Ambulance care) I started training as an Emotional Therapist in 2018. Brigitte Ramaekers (Therapist in training)

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